Here we go!
Posted by Joschi Kuphal on April 29, 2013 - No comments
Dear friends, it's about time: As of today the Open Device Lab Nuremberg is open to the public and welcoming the second and any following testers (the first ones have obviously been here today already). ;)

Since the end of February – when we decided to set up an Open Device Lab in Nuremberg – really so much has happened. Even now there have been plenty of situations when we were literally overwhelmed by the positive reactions and the generous support we received. We truly didn't expect this.

Probably the most important difference between the "project ODL" and our daily agency work here at tollwerk is that the Open Device Lab is non-commercial. There is no real customer order, so there are no expectations that could be disappointed, only ones that can be exceeded. The momentum the ODL movement and it's small but worldwide community has right now is simply intoxicating, and we have to admit that also the pretty decent line of devices we could gather so far lets us feel kind of proud.

It's a great pleasure being able to share our success with the local developer scene and the public from now on. Although we're still not finished with our final setup and there is still a lot to do, we can't hold it back either any longer. The list of currently available devices can be found at, where you can also request an appointment with our lab.

Also, we'd like to take the chance to shout out a big thank you to all those ones who supported us so far, in particular André Jay Meissner (@klick_ass) of We're gonna launch the second stage of this rocket now!